Jason Vincion
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2024-04-29 (Week 2317): Emptying the Cup

Another busy week has come and gone, full of expensive vet bills, a highly chaotic week at work, and emotionally draining conversations. Yet, here I am, ready to write again.

I don’t know if it’s compartmentalization, sticking to a commitment I’ve made to myself, or something else, but something brings me back to the laptop each week to post something new.

It’s one of the few new things I want to work on since I’m focusing my creative output on a few avenues. I’m still working on and refining my list of notes, building a playlist from my most recent single, contemplating streamlining this website while continuing to build upon it, and working my way through the depths of Dejenol.

Once the playlist reaches 100 songs, I’ll sit with it for a while, and I’m sure it will likely influence the next piece I do. I know I’ve forecasted ideas with previous entries, and that’s something I’m still trying to get away from. The piece “Closing Past Chapters With Love” will happen, but I’m not sure it will happen next.

I also imagine I will continue gaming after I finish Mordor (which is likely a while down the road), but I don’t see myself seeking anything new. I’ve got a lot of old games I want to revisit and then let them go with love.

I worry that I’ll have nothing left of myself once I finish this project, but perhaps that is the proverbial “emptying of the cup” that Eastern philosophies speak of. Something new will fill it; it always does.

Until next week!
Feel free to e-mail me at jasonvincion@disroot.org if you feel like chatting. I try to check it during the week, but I often get distracted with other things.
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